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Industrial Energy Transformation Fund bid


Saint Gobain

Study objectives:

• Advise on eligibility criteria to inform the decision to bid and the focus of the application;
• Lead the bid writing including completion of supporting documents; and,
• Support Saint Gobain through the appraisal and contracting process.

We were commissioned by Saint Gobain to help them determine whether to bid for support from the Government’s Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF), and assist them with the bid writing process. We had previously assisted Saint Gobain to secure funding from the European Regional Development Fund.

We commenced the commission by completing a thorough review of IETF’s eligibility and funding criteria, including State Aid requirements. We created a briefing document and advised Saint Gobain to proceed with an application to seek support for the cost of installing an entirely new furnace and production line component replacements utilising the very latest technological advances, including company-developed processes covered by patents.

We then assisted Saint Gobain to identify the total eligible project cost by determining the difference between a like-for-like replacement of the glass furnace, and the proposed energy efficient model. We worked closely with the business’ technical team to complete the project benefit calculator which identified a forecast lifetime reduction of 276,836 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

We prepared a detailed Gantt chart highlighting the project activities that would be completed through five work packages. The chart highlighted which team member would lead on each activity and the dependencies between tasks. We completed each question in the IETF application form and liaised with staff from Innovate UK to resolve technical queries before submitting the application.

The application was approved and Saint Gobain replaced the oldest glass furnace in their facilities worldwide delivering significant environmental benefits whilst also increasing production capacity.

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