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We provide a robust independent appraisal service for Local Authorities, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Combined Authorities and other public service organisations.
Since our formation in 2010 we have completed hundreds of Green Book appraisals for our clients including:

We have a detailed understanding of the HM Treasury Green Book and ensure that each of our appraisals address the key elements of each dimension as summarised below.

Strategic dimension
Is there a clear case for change?
How does the proposed scheme reflect local, regional and national policy drivers?
Is it clear what the current situation is and that investment will lead to the forecast outputs and outcomes?

Economic dimension
Are there credible alternative delivery options including a business as usual scenario?
Have appropriate monetised and non-monetised benefits and costs been included in the analysis?
Has the Benefit Cost Ratio been calculated correctly?

Commercial dimension
Does the business case demonstrate a strong understanding of risks, with suitable mitigations?
Is it clear how the scheme will be commercially structured?
Is there a clear demand case for commercial schemes?

Financial dimension
Has each alternative delivery option been costed?
Do the financial projections appear appropriate?
For housing and commercial schemes is the development appraisal robust and is the viability gap supported?

Management dimension
Are there realistic and robust delivery plans?
Does the scheme appear deliverable within budget and timescale?
Does the applicant have robust management and governance arrangements in place?

Contact us to discuss how we can establish or revise an assurance framework, or complete independent appraisals on your behalf.
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