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We help clients establish and deliver projects and programmes ensuring that they comply with all public funding requirements. Our delivery services include:
Contract variations
We help our clients to take stock of progress against targets in their funding contract, and prepare contract variation requests. We develop robust financial and output projections based on performance to date.
Interim management
We provide interim project and programme management to fill urgent gaps in capacity or expertise. We also help clients identify additional roles they may need, develop job descriptions and provide informal support to new team members.
Monitoring processes
We establish the processes clients need to gather robust performance data including progress on expenditure, milestones and outputs.
We develop Procurement Plans setting out how our clients will procure supplies, services and works in a manner compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations. We design and manage whole procurement processes for clients and provide training for staff.
Subsidy Control
We provide advice on how to structure projects and programmes to align with the new Subsidy Control regime and can recommend lawyers to provide formal legal opinion and guidance if needed.
We design and deliver training for team members on topics ranging from compliant procurement through to the information needed to evidence attainment of outputs.
Contact us to discuss any support you may need to establish or deliver your project or programme.
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