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Portland House appraisal
We were appointed to a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Programme and Fund Management Services for the North of Tyne Combined Authority and North East Local Enterprise Partnership following a competitive procurement exercise.
We were commissioned to complete an independent appraisal of the Portland House scheme. The scheme will create 5,950 m2 of Grade A refurbished office space in Newcastle city centre by May 2022, and secure 495 gross jobs by March 2024. The application was submitted seeking a grant to fill the viability gap and enable the development to proceed.
We reviewed the Full Business Case and over 20 supporting documents including site plans, market research, the development appraisal and Subsidy Control advice. We issued a Query Log with all our questions relating to the business case and supporting documents, and liaised with the applicant to discuss and resolve all outstanding matters.
We completed the North East Local Enterprise Partnership’s appraisal template which reflects HM Treasury’s Green Book requirements. We found that the scheme had a strong strategic rationale and addressed an identified gap in Grade A office space in the city. We analysed the scheme’s additionality and compared projected income levels with similar schemes in the city. We thoroughly tested all costs to ensure that they reflected industry benchmarks.
We completed our report and liaised with staff from the North East Combined Authority as they resolved the recommended contractual conditions we proposed.
We were commissioned to complete an independent appraisal of the Portland House scheme. The scheme will create 5,950 m2 of Grade A refurbished office space in Newcastle city centre by May 2022, and secure 495 gross jobs by March 2024. The application was submitted seeking a grant to fill the viability gap and enable the development to proceed.
We reviewed the Full Business Case and over 20 supporting documents including site plans, market research, the development appraisal and Subsidy Control advice. We issued a Query Log with all our questions relating to the business case and supporting documents, and liaised with the applicant to discuss and resolve all outstanding matters.
We completed the North East Local Enterprise Partnership’s appraisal template which reflects HM Treasury’s Green Book requirements. We found that the scheme had a strong strategic rationale and addressed an identified gap in Grade A office space in the city. We analysed the scheme’s additionality and compared projected income levels with similar schemes in the city. We thoroughly tested all costs to ensure that they reflected industry benchmarks.
We completed our report and liaised with staff from the North East Combined Authority as they resolved the recommended contractual conditions we proposed.

Community Renewal Fund appraisals
North Yorkshire County Council was identified as a Lead Authority for the delivery of the Government’s Community Renewal Fund, and commissioned Thrive Economics to assist in the completion of appraisals.
We completed 21 appraisals over the course of a week to assist with the challenging timescales. As part of the appraisal process we analysed strategic fit and deliverability with specific questions including:
• To what extent does the scheme contribute to net zero objectives or wider environmental considerations?
• Can the scheme inform the UK Shared Prosperity Fund through transferable learning or the opportunity to scale up?
• Does the scheme demonstrate innovation in service delivery?
• Can the scheme be delivered as proposed by March 2022?
• Has an effective monitoring and evaluation strategy been provided?
Following the completion of appraisals we participated in a scoring moderation workshop with staff from North Yorkshire County Council who had also completed appraisals. Through the workshop scores were moderated and the strongest applications were agreed. The County Council completed the final stage of the process in putting forward the strongest applications to Government for consideration.
We completed 21 appraisals over the course of a week to assist with the challenging timescales. As part of the appraisal process we analysed strategic fit and deliverability with specific questions including:
• To what extent does the scheme contribute to net zero objectives or wider environmental considerations?
• Can the scheme inform the UK Shared Prosperity Fund through transferable learning or the opportunity to scale up?
• Does the scheme demonstrate innovation in service delivery?
• Can the scheme be delivered as proposed by March 2022?
• Has an effective monitoring and evaluation strategy been provided?
Following the completion of appraisals we participated in a scoring moderation workshop with staff from North Yorkshire County Council who had also completed appraisals. Through the workshop scores were moderated and the strongest applications were agreed. The County Council completed the final stage of the process in putting forward the strongest applications to Government for consideration.

Scotswood Phase 2 independent appraisal
We were appointed as the highest scoring supplier to the North of Tyne Combined Authority’s External Appraisal and Technical Services for the Brownfield Housing Fund.
We were commissioned to complete an independent appraisal of the Scotswood Phase 2 scheme which sought funding of £2,948,000 to unlock a Phase 2 development with 243 new homes. Specific activities which required funding included the creation of pedestrian links and road crossings; highways works; Sustainable Drainage Systems infrastructure; and, retaining structures.
We reviewed the Full Business Case and supporting documents including site plans, market research, and the development appraisal. We issued a Query Log to the New Tyne West Development Company and liaised with them to resolve our queries. We completed a detailed independent appraisal in line with Green Book guidance. We completed high-level analysis of the potential Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) that could be obtained using a Gross Value Added (GVA) methodology, and concluded that a BCR exceeding 1 would be delivered by calculating the GVA generated by construction jobs.
We supported the identified viability gap and provided advice to the Combined Authority on how the overage clause could be structured. We recommended that the scheme was supported and Phase 2 is now underway.
We were commissioned to complete an independent appraisal of the Scotswood Phase 2 scheme which sought funding of £2,948,000 to unlock a Phase 2 development with 243 new homes. Specific activities which required funding included the creation of pedestrian links and road crossings; highways works; Sustainable Drainage Systems infrastructure; and, retaining structures.
We reviewed the Full Business Case and supporting documents including site plans, market research, and the development appraisal. We issued a Query Log to the New Tyne West Development Company and liaised with them to resolve our queries. We completed a detailed independent appraisal in line with Green Book guidance. We completed high-level analysis of the potential Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) that could be obtained using a Gross Value Added (GVA) methodology, and concluded that a BCR exceeding 1 would be delivered by calculating the GVA generated by construction jobs.
We supported the identified viability gap and provided advice to the Combined Authority on how the overage clause could be structured. We recommended that the scheme was supported and Phase 2 is now underway.

Points Cross
We were appointed to co-ordinate the Green Book appraisal of this major housing scheme working alongside ARCADIS, GENECON and Sanderson Weatherall. Our role was to complete the appraisal of four of the five dimensions namely strategic, commercial, financial and management and co-ordinate input from partners.
We reviewed a comprehensive suite of documents, and develop a Query Log which we issued to the applicant. We liaised with the applicant to fill gaps in information, and secure the development appraisal in a format we could analyse in detail. We drafted the appraisal report and concluded that:
• The scheme helps address a growing disparity between income and rental and purchase prices in Leeds, and reflects projected demographic trends.
• The scheme helps ensure that there is an adequate supply of quality housing across all types and tenures.
• The costs are all in line with industry benchmarks.
• The Preferred Option delivers a BCR of 5.8:1 when measured against BHF investment only - representing high value for money.
The scheme was approved by the Combined Authority and is now on site.
We reviewed a comprehensive suite of documents, and develop a Query Log which we issued to the applicant. We liaised with the applicant to fill gaps in information, and secure the development appraisal in a format we could analyse in detail. We drafted the appraisal report and concluded that:
• The scheme helps address a growing disparity between income and rental and purchase prices in Leeds, and reflects projected demographic trends.
• The scheme helps ensure that there is an adequate supply of quality housing across all types and tenures.
• The costs are all in line with industry benchmarks.
• The Preferred Option delivers a BCR of 5.8:1 when measured against BHF investment only - representing high value for money.
The scheme was approved by the Combined Authority and is now on site.

Digital Resilience Fund
We were commissioned to help West Yorkshire Combined Authority appraise applications to the Digital Resilience Voucher. The Voucher was launched to help businesses purchase digital technology to help them adapt to the new circumstances brought about by the Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
We completed 100 appraisals, with each batch completed within 3 days of receipt. We made recommendations on enhancements to the appraisal template which were adopted
We completed 100 appraisals, with each batch completed within 3 days of receipt. We made recommendations on enhancements to the appraisal template which were adopted

Assurance Framework
We were commissioned to assist the Local Enterprise Partnership review and revise their Assurance Framework to reflect the National Local Growth Assurance Framework issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).
We commenced by organising and facilitating a workshop with LEP staff to review the current Outline and Full Business Cases, and appraisal template. We totally re-designed the business case templates and focussed them around a much clearer narrative that starts with the challenge and/or opportunity that the applicant seeks to overcome, and builds the case around this. The image below shows the structure of the revised Outline and Full Business cases.
We ensured that the updated business case templates were fully compliant with Green Book guidance. The updated templates contained built-in guidance for applicants, negating the need for a separate guidance document.
We then audited the existed Assurance Framework to check compliance with the latest MHCLG guidance. We identified areas that required additional detail, and worked closely with LEP staff to design and write-up new processes, using a swim lane format. We re-wrote the Assurance Framework mirroring the MHCLG guidance and submitted the report to the LEP ahead of schedule.
We commenced by organising and facilitating a workshop with LEP staff to review the current Outline and Full Business Cases, and appraisal template. We totally re-designed the business case templates and focussed them around a much clearer narrative that starts with the challenge and/or opportunity that the applicant seeks to overcome, and builds the case around this. The image below shows the structure of the revised Outline and Full Business cases.
We ensured that the updated business case templates were fully compliant with Green Book guidance. The updated templates contained built-in guidance for applicants, negating the need for a separate guidance document.
We then audited the existed Assurance Framework to check compliance with the latest MHCLG guidance. We identified areas that required additional detail, and worked closely with LEP staff to design and write-up new processes, using a swim lane format. We re-wrote the Assurance Framework mirroring the MHCLG guidance and submitted the report to the LEP ahead of schedule.
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